Data Tokenization

Datum's data tokenization supports multiple asset standards and allows users to issue Data Tokens with one click.

Here is how data is tokenized on Datum:


Binding data to ERC20 Token in Datum can quantify data consumption, reflect the asset value of data by trading ERC20 Token, and transfer data asset authority by consuming ERC20.


The operation authority of data in Datum is unique. Binding the data with ERC721 Token makes the operation authority of the data have a unique asset value, and the transfer of data asset authority is carried out by consuming ERC721.

List Token on Exchanges

Datum connects various DEX and NFT trading platforms to facilitate users to release ERC20 or ERC721 after data assetization with one click, so that data can be fully capitalized and valued in the Web3 world.

Please refer to APIs for Data Tokenization for more instructions